Martin Hackett

Flutes, melodica, objects, analog synthesizer

Martin Hackett plays in

Radiolarians - Michael Pisaro-Liu [Création 2021]


Le Grand Orchestre de Muzzix

Discographie :

Radiolarians de Michael Pisaro-Liu




<p>Martin Hackett jouant du melodica.</p>
© Pidz

Muzzix is a collective composed of 30 musicians and based in Lille (northern France). It supports each year many artistic projects going from contemporary jazz to experimental and improvised musics, performed in many various ways, from solo to full orchestra, from concerts to installations or performances.


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Association Muzzix
51 rue Marcel Hénaux
59000 Lille
Tel : 33 (0)9 50 91 01 72

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APE 9001Z
Licences n°2-1062227
et 3-1062228