
Kaze Photographie : © Eckhart Derschmidt
© Eckhart Derschmidt
Kaze Photographie : © Gérard Rouy
© Gérard Rouy
Kaze Photographie : © Alex Noclain
© Alex Noclain

The members of this international quartet, created in 2010, share an insatiable appetite for sonic experimentation, energy and enthusiasm. Melodic, abstract, mysterious, beautiful, daring, Kaze delivers a creative and powerful free jazz.

The group is declined in several projects with different collaborations and configurations. Find them on this page, below.

Kaze & Ikue Mori

Guest Star

The international quartet Kaze, meets pioneering laptop player Ikue Mori, and the fusion turns out to be very natural and does not produce any imbalance. A famous improviser, Ikue Mori was an obvious choice for the members of the original quartet when it came to inviting a fifth person for the Sons d’Hiver festival in Paris in January 2020.

A strong intuitive bond unites them around many improvisation sequences: the small subtle details, the rapidly changing timbres and the ease with which everyone interacts indicate a group where each member is selflessly dedicated to creating lively and organic improvisations. Each member of Kaze brings their own compositions that provide a framework for individual solos as well as collective interaction. Their mastery of extensive techniques on their respective instruments often makes it difficult to tell if a sound is acoustic or electronic.

Watch their performance at the Sons d’Hiver Festival #29 featured by France Musique.

Satoko Fujii (piano), Ikue Mori (laptop), Peter Orins (drums), Christian Pruvost (trumpet), Natsuki Tamura (trumpet)

Trouble Kaze

Triple duo

The members of Kaze like to multiply meetings and collaborations. Liking to play on the doubling of timbres and sound ambiguities, as it is already the case with the 2 trumpets, very quickly came the desire to double each instrument. By calling upon two major actors of the European improvised music scene, Sophie Agnel and Didier Lasserre, a double trio, a triple duo was born... Trouble Kaze.

Natsuki Tamura (trumpet), Christian Pruvost (trumpet), Satoko Fujii (piano), Sophie Agnel (piano), Didier Lasserre (drums), Peter Orins (drums)

Discographie :


Crustal Movement (2023)

Sand Storm

Atody Man






Satoko Fujii (piano), Natsuki Tamura (trumpet), Christian Pruvost (trumpet), Peter Orins (drums)


En 2024, la tournée au Japon du groupe a reçu le soutien financier de l’Institut Français, la Région Hauts-de-France et la SPEDIDAM.

En 2024, ce projet bénéficie également du soutien de la Maison de la Musique Contemporaine.

Booking contact


Revue de presse

“Romantic, cacophonous, intelligent, and thoroughly without pretense.”—Steve Mossberg, Arts Fuse

“The Kaze concept shows no sign of going stale. Every time out they freshen that concept in ingenious ways.”— S. Victor Aaron, Something Else!

Muzzix is a collective composed of 30 musicians and based in Lille (northern France). It supports each year many artistic projects going from contemporary jazz to experimental and improvised musics, performed in many various ways, from solo to full orchestra, from concerts to installations or performances.


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Association Muzzix
51 rue Marcel Hénaux
59000 Lille
Tel : 33 (0)9 50 91 01 72

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