L’OGR "Méduse"

L’OGR - Méduse
© DR

The myth of Medusa

It begins with the mating of Poseidon and Medusa, strong of her youth and her great beauty, in the temple of Athena. According to the versions, it is either a rape or a ruse of which the Greek gods seem to be fond according to Hesiod. In all cases, Medusa is a victim but will nevertheless suffer the wrath of Athena who cannot stand the blasphemous act for which she demands compensation. Medusa will be condemned to extreme ugliness, to isolation and to the impossibility of meeting anyone’s gaze under penalty of petrifying them. It is the hero, Perseus, who, with the help of Athena, will kill Medusa by cutting off her head. While dying, she will give birth to Pegasus and Chrysaor.

History of the project

A first version of Medusa saw the light in november 2012 (video below) and was the object of several concerts. The quartet took particular care in transposing the inner, fantasized states of Medusa. Injustice, rage, lack of understanding, humiliation, loneliness were so much feelings musically flourishing.

Extract from the first version of Μέδουσα - La rose des vents, February 7th 2013 :

In 2014, the second part of the project comes to be : "L’OGR + Denis Streibig : Μέδουσα 1.2". It completes the gorgon’s portrait by adding texts in ancient Greek (extracts from Apollodore the Athenian’s Bibliotheque and the Theogony of Hesiod), and enhances the sound palette with Denis Streibig playing ribbon synthesizer and supervising the place of the texts in the musical piece. The text here represents the unchangeable, as the issues raised by the myth.

L’OGR + Denis Streibig : Μέδουσα 1.2
Denis Streibig (ribbon synthesizer and sound environment)

L’OGR - La méduse (extrait)

A Muzzix creation, supported by l’Espace Culture de l’Université Lille 1 and la Ferme d’en Haut (Villeneuve d’Ascq).

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L’OGR - La méduse (extrait)

Muzzix is a collective composed of 30 musicians and based in Lille (northern France). It supports each year many artistic projects going from contemporary jazz to experimental and improvised musics, performed in many various ways, from solo to full orchestra, from concerts to installations or performances.


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