Bi-Ki ?

 Photographie : © Julien Sylvestre
© Julien Sylvestre

Bi-Ki? questions the meeting of two musicians, with different paths and sound identities, on the alto sax. The all-in-all basic playground of the duet form allows them to experiment the endlessness of possible perspectives between the two instruments and the two musicians. In situ, the homonymy of the instrumentarium gives rise to a research on the timbre density and a game on the sound area, real or fantasized. From unions to divorces, the deflections of the two saxophonists explore an extensive musical vocabulary, and develop the acoustic options of their sax, in both singular and plural. Through a sometimes intuitive, sometimes rational approach, the formation combines writing and free improvisation, and never stopping themselves from any esthetic similarities. The main thing for the two musicians is to always keep the Bi-Ki? question open…

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Discographie :

Quelque chose au milieu ?


Sakina Abdou, Jean-Baptiste Rubin : alto sax

Booking contact

Muzzix is a collective composed of 30 musicians and based in Lille (northern France). It supports each year many artistic projects going from contemporary jazz to experimental and improvised musics, performed in many various ways, from solo to full orchestra, from concerts to installations or performances.


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Association Muzzix
51 rue Marcel Hénaux
59000 Lille
Tel : 33 (0)9 50 91 01 72

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APE 9001Z
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