Wodrascka / Owczarek / Orins

Wodrascka-Owczarek-Orins Photographie : © Philippe Lenglet
© Philippe Lenglet
Wodrascka-Owczarek-Orins Photographie : © Philippe Lenglet
© Philippe Lenglet
Wodrascka-Owczarek-Orins Photographie : © Philippe Lenglet
© Philippe Lenglet
Wodrascka-Owczarek-Orins Photographie : © Philippe Lenglet
© Philippe Lenglet
Wodrascka-Owczarek-Orins Photographie : © Philippe Lenglet
© Philippe Lenglet

Unheard of, free and expressive, the Wodrascka Owczarek Orins trio is the fruit of the present moment and of happy encounters.
Paulina Owczarek and Peter Orins have been playing together for several years, meeting in Berlin in Satoko Fujii’s orchestra, then adventuring as a duo, producing a music of small gestures, barely perceptible movements, but also of raw and liberated energy.
Christine Wodrascka met Peter Orins in the Franco-American ensemble Sangliers, with Dave Rempis, Keefe Jackson and Didier Lasserre. There is here a taste for adventure and instability, for direct action and interaction. The trio met for the first time in Toulouse in 2022, and the musicians found each other right away.

Sensitivity and power, one foot in free music, the other in experimentation, they share an affection for risk and sonic dialogue without barriers or limits.

Wodrascka / Owczarek / Orin

Discographie :

Woo - Hoo-Ha


Christine Wodrascka (piano), Paulina Owczarek (saxophone), Peter Orins (batterie)


En 2023, la tournée du groupe a reçu le soutien financier de l’ADAMI

Muzzix is a collective composed of 30 musicians and based in Lille (northern France). It supports each year many artistic projects going from contemporary jazz to experimental and improvised musics, performed in many various ways, from solo to full orchestra, from concerts to installations or performances.


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Association Muzzix
51 rue Marcel Hénaux
59000 Lille
Tel : 33 (0)9 50 91 01 72

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APE 9001Z
Licences n°2-1062227
et 3-1062228