Jean-Baptiste Rubin


Introduced to the joys of music at the age of 12 years, JB Rubin abandons the saxophone to the drums at the age where we all like to play hard. He will start the saxo again, while he was exiled Lille in 2001.

He meets the improvised music an jazz by Olivier Benoit in particular and began a course at the conservatories of Tourcoing and Lille. He is passionate about noise music, free improvisation, but also in more written forms. He currently plays in several bands: Bi-Ki?, Unik Ubik, Cheikh de Staël, Octopus, Woodish Louis Minus XVI, etc...

He also collaborated on projects combining music theater or dance.


Jean-Baptiste Rubin plays in

Désarchiver / Travail [Création 2021]




Radiolarians - Michael Pisaro-Liu [Création 2021]


Le Bonheur


Bi-Ki ?


Le Grand Orchestre de Muzzix

Discographie :

Radiolarians de Michael Pisaro-Liu


Quelque chose au milieu ?




<p>Jean-Baptiste Rubin jouant du saxophone.</p>
© Pidz

Muzzix is a collective composed of 30 musicians and based in Lille (northern France). It supports each year many artistic projects going from contemporary jazz to experimental and improvised musics, performed in many various ways, from solo to full orchestra, from concerts to installations or performances.


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Association Muzzix
51 rue Marcel Hénaux
59000 Lille
Tel : 33 (0)9 50 91 01 72

Siret 488 261 355 00017
APE 9001Z
Licences n°2-1062227
et 3-1062228