Christian Pruvost

Trumpet, composition

Christian Pruvost is a composer, improviser and multiplies cooperation for several years, whether it is in jazz, improvised music or live performing arts. During its formation, he dedicated himself to concrete and acousmatic music and to electroacoustic composition with Carole Rieussec and Roger Cochini for instance.

Solo, (« Ipteravox » released in 2010 on Helix / Circum-Disc), he explores the spectrum of the trumpet, from the softest blowing to the strongest bursts. Playing all acoustic, he develops his repertoire very serenely, and adds some objects that bring him a wealth of extra tones. His inventiveness and the originality of his approach has taken him to perform solo in France (Brest, Montpellier, Besançon...) and internationally (the Netherlands, England, Italy, Japan, Australia...).

With Didier Aschour, he is a co-director of « Round the World of Sound », creation gathering 14 musicians from the Muzzix collective and Dedalus ensemble in a work on Moondog’s madrigals. He can be seen alongside Satoko Fujii, Natsuki Tamura and Peter Orins in the spectacular franco-japanese quartet Kaze (2 albums and several tours in Japan, Israel, and in the USA/Canada since 2011, and a Japanese tour in preparation for september 2014).

In a new project called PCM Bla∫t, Christian Pruvost surrounds himself with Maxime Morel (tuba) and Samuel Carpentier (trombone). Together they explore many repertoires - from medieval music to the composers of the XXIst century - but also improvised forms ; altogether in a theatrical and experimental approach. He is also a member of Circum Grand Orchestra, which releases its third album composed by Christophe Hache in 2014, and la Pieuvre, the improvisation orchestra conducted by Olivier Benoit.

Blowing masseur in Ziph (collective of individual balloon-membrane horns and creator of the concept of sound massages), he also takes part in the Wabla project with Thierry Madiot, Yanik Miossec and David Bausseron. He can be seen in duo with bass player Nicolas Mahieux, in Flu(o), Arsis quartet, in the orchestra of Zoone Libre collective Vazytouille and in two shows carried by la Cie Générale d’Imaginaire [dukõne] and [ nu ].

Collaborations with Axel Dörner, Olivier Benoit, Jérémie Ternoy, Nicolas Mahieux, Otomo Yoshihide, Mina Small, Sean Baxter, Benoît Delbecq, Alain Gibert, Carole Rieussec, Roger Cochini, Sophia Domancich, Giovanna Marini, Didier Levallet, Lucia Recio, Li Ping Ting, Patricia Kuypers, Thierry Madiot, Sophie Agnel, Satoko Fuji, Natsuki Tamura, Jérôme Noetinger, Benjamin Duboc, Didier Lasserre, Makoto Sato, Lionel Marchetti, Cor Fuhler, John Edwards, Tony Buck, Daunik Lazro…

Christian Pruvost plays in



Ingrid Laubrock et le Grand Orchestre de Muzzix


ARTS - Artiste Rencontre Territoire Scolaire


Désarchiver / Travail [Création 2021]




Flumunda - Christian Pruvost [Création 2022]


Christian Pruvost




Le Cercle // Muzzix [Création 2021]


Radiolarians - Michael Pisaro-Liu [Création 2021]


Tombstones - Michael Pisaro-Liu


Le Grand Orchestre de Muzzix


Moondog Madrigals [Création 2014]



Discographie :


Crustal Movement (2023)

Radiolarians de Michael Pisaro-Liu


Sand Storm

Atody Man

Round the World of Sound






Encore Remuants (2012)



Ipteravox (2009)

Le ravissement



Circum Grand Orchestra

Le Bénéfice du doute (2004)

Impression (2002)

Muzzix is a collective composed of 30 musicians and based in Lille (northern France). It supports each year many artistic projects going from contemporary jazz to experimental and improvised musics, performed in many various ways, from solo to full orchestra, from concerts to installations or performances.


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Association Muzzix
51 rue Marcel Hénaux
59000 Lille
Tel : 33 (0)9 50 91 01 72

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APE 9001Z
Licences n°2-1062227
et 3-1062228