Ivann Cruz

Guitars, composition

He studied classical guitar and specializes in Jazz and improvise music. He is in possession of a musical degree of Jazz in guitar at the Musical Conservatoty of Lille then a master’s degree in musical composition and a master of esthetic and practise of Arts at the University of Lille 3.
He puts a lot of efforts into doing performance, composition and experimentation in solo or through ensembles as electric as numerous : La Pieuvre, le Grand orchestre de Muzzix, Circum Grand Orchestra, One DPI, Feldspath, l’OGR, TOC, TOCC Beat Club, Garbowski/Cruz Quartet, Cruz/Zoubek/Witkowski trio, Gaw !...
In 2010 he takes part to the Jazzplayeurope (six musicians from six different countries and to an European tour including seven concerts in different european town.
He composes and creates in 2014 the documentary-concert Trading Litany, about the financial world. Since 2015, he develops a device of augmented guitar in association with Loïc Reboursière and Olivier Lautem. He involves this device in the under way multimedia project Puzzle.

During his training and his activity as a guitar player he meets: Ars Nova Ensemble, Dedalus Ensemble, Didier Aschour, Olivier Benoit, Jean-François Canape, Médéric Collignon, Laurent Cugny, Philippe Deschepper, Dgiz, Marc Ducret, Guy Gilbert, Michel Godart, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Tom Johnson, Didier Levallet, Thierry Madiot, Ricardo Mandolini, Gérard Marais, Jean-Marc Montera, Anthony Pateras, Edward Perraud, James Saunders, Yves Torchinsky, Fred Van Hove...

At the Theatre he works with Interlude T/O, Cendres la Rouge, la compagnie de l’Oiseau Mouche, Thierry Roisin et Blandine Savetier, Arnaud Anckaert.

His musical research work consists in questioning the confrontation between the improvised gesture and the interchangeability of music writing.

Trading Litany
TOC website

Discography :
 La Pieuvre (1999-2005, 2006 - Ellipse, 2007 - Helix/Circum-Disc/Anticraft)
 Ternoy/Cruz/Orins (Le Gorille, 2009 - microcidi/Circum-Disc)
 Arsis (Désordres, 2010 - microcidi/Circum-Disc)
 JazzPlaysEurope (Laboratory, 2011 - W.E.R.F)
 TOC (You can dance (if you want), 2012 - microcidi/Circum-Disc)
 Feldspath (Andesine, 2013 – Cidi/Circum-disc)
 Circum Grand Orchestra (12, 2014 - Cidi/Circum-disc)
 Garbowski/Cruz Quartet (Rashomon Effect, 2014 - Cidi/Circum-disc)
 TOC (Haircut, 2014 - microcidi/Circum-Disc/Tandoori Record)
 Ternoy/Cruz/Orins (Queqertatsuiatsiat, 2015 - Cidi/Circum-disc)
 Ivann Cruz (Lignes de fuite, 2017 - HeliX/Circum-disc)

Ivann Cruz plays in

Atelier musical autour du patrimoine textile


Ingrid Laubrock et le Grand Orchestre de Muzzix


À l’écoute du territoire #2




Textures de Ivann Cruz


À l’écoute du territoire #1


Marteau qui peur


Flumunda - Christian Pruvost [Création 2022]


Aphar’s Cave




En Partenariat avec le Labo Crystal


Radiolarians - Michael Pisaro-Liu [Création 2021]




Tombstones - Michael Pisaro-Liu


PUZZLE [Création 2019]


Le Grand Orchestre de Muzzix


Ciné-concert de papier


Le Dernier des Hommes


Ivann Cruz



Discographie :

Le ceneri del filosofo (2024)

Psychedelic Jelly (2024)


Aphar’s cave (2023)

Des pieds et des mains (2023)


Radiolarians de Michael Pisaro-Liu



Closed For Safety Reasons (2020)

Indoor (2020)


Will never play these songs again (2018)

Lignes de fuite (2017)

Air Bump (2016)


Haircut (2014)


Rashomon effect (2014)


You can dance (if you want) (2012)


le Gorille (2009)



<p>Ivann Cruz jouant de la guitare acoustique.</p>
© Pidz

Muzzix is a collective composed of 30 musicians and based in Lille (northern France). It supports each year many artistic projects going from contemporary jazz to experimental and improvised musics, performed in many various ways, from solo to full orchestra, from concerts to installations or performances.


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Association Muzzix
51 rue Marcel Hénaux
59000 Lille
Tel : 33 (0)9 50 91 01 72

Siret 488 261 355 00017
APE 9001Z
Licences n°2-1062227
et 3-1062228